First of all, congratulations on your upcoming wedding and marriage! This is such an exciting time, but we know planning the biggest event in your life can seem a bit overwhelming! Let’s make dress shopping an easy thing to check off your list with these tips. When should you start shopping? A year out is […]

Published on Premier Bride How They Met Owner of Bucci’s Bridal, Melissa was born and raised in Hartland, Wisconsin. She met her now-husband Jake, who grew up in Delafield, via Facebook. “He sent me a friendly message, which I didn’t think much of at first,” Melissa admits. “After a couple months, we chatted and decided to […]

You know those moments where a lot of time has passed by, but you still remember starting something like it was yesterday? Yes, that’s how I feel every time Bucci’s Bridal has another anniversary. Four years ago on March 10th, those doors officially opened and the store carried maybe 30 dresses, can you imagine?! Whenever a […]

1. Do not be surprised to fall in love with a dress right away, it happens all the time (and usually the first dress!). We ask you come prepared by bringing the most important person during this experience, whether it’s your mom or someone else. Also be financially prepared as we have incentives for your […]

Well that’s a mouthful! We are talking cake here, right? Well the race has come and gone (don’t worry we are announcing next year’s date really soon!!), but now we get to share with you our bride who won a free Stella York wedding dress!! Our winner, Megan, came in a couple of weekends ago […]

Have you ever wondered what a Bridal Stylist thinks about during her appointment? Read six things we wish our brides knew during their wedding dress shopping experience!   1. Don’t shop too early, but don’t shop too late Hmm, yeah this can be conflicting, but it’s true! It’s always a great idea to start a […]